Monday, 25 July 2011

What would you want to be remembered for?

I was talking to some of my friends and a question was raised, just purely for bantering purposes: What would you want to be remembered for?

Friend A said: "A legacy. Something that EVERYONE will remember me for MY greatness. Probably something like being a Prime Minister or a big shot one day?"

Friend B said: " I have never thought about it! But just off my head, I want to be remembered as the Popular one. Not infamous mind you!"

Friend C said: " As long I live my life the way I want, I don't really care what I am remembered for."

These 3 statements made me think about how I wanted to be remembered for. It is pretty interesting to me because, I have lived my life just trying to be "just-nice". Never had I wanted to be a high achiever like A. Neither was I "normal" enough in my life to be socially accepted as popular. I always believed that I should never hide my true self behind a facade just to please the crowd.

Then I also thought about what C said and I agree to an extent. Being at peace with yourself, isn't that more important than having all the riches in the world that money could buy? But however, I have given some thought and finally came to a initial conclusion about what I would want to be remembered for.

But before I shared my thoughts, I had an sudden thought. Why do I need to garner the world's attention?

" I don't care too much. I just want my friends and family to remember that I love them and always will even when I am in heaven watching over them."

Love is a powerful thing, it can overcome the deepest of pain and the most treacherous of deceit. The purest form of love to me, is the ability to overcome oneself and to show care and concern for someone without expecting anything in return.

1 Cor 13:4 "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud."